How much water should you drink each day?

Staying hydrated is one of the foundations of life. Hydration helps us to regulate our body temperature, flush out waste and toxins from our bodies, fight illnesses and helps us to stay healthy and happy, but how much water should you drink each day?

The old method of counting was 8 glasses a day, which equates to about 2litres of water. In reality, we need more water than this, and depending on our size and activity levels, this changes our needs as well. The current guide for women is 2.7litres and 3.7litres for men. If you are exercising or are more active, suffering from a bug like gastro or the flu, or if the weather is hot, you may require additional water to stay hydrated. If you are of a smaller build, and less active, you may require slightly less water.

I personally like to aim for about 3litres a day. I feel this is the right amount for me. When I haven’t had enough water, I find I tend to get headaches and am more easily irritated. I also enjoy drinking coffee which has a negative impact on hydration, so I feel the need to have an extra glass of water per cup of coffee in a day.

Dehydration signs

The following list are signs to watch for which may indicate you are dehydrated:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Feeling tired or dizzy
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth or lips
  • Dark coloured or smelly urine
  • Constipation
  • Craving sweets
  • Bad mood

Overhydration signs

It is possible to have too much water. Luckly this is easily resolved by reducing our water intake. The following list are signs to watch for which may indicate you are overhydrated:

  • Clear urine
  • Muscle cramps
  • Confusion/disorientation
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Too low salt levels in your blood

Our kidneys can process about 800ml – 1litre an hour, but not more so keep the amount you drink per hour under this – there is no benefit to drinking a huge amount in a short time and infact this can lead to overhydration and other issues.

Drinking water for weight loss

Sometimes our body confuses the sensation of being thirsty with hungry. Our belly may even  grumble, giving us this cue. If you are actively trying to loose weight, you can have a glass of water before each meal. The theory is that your belly will feel full sooner reducing your portion size. This is also a great idea if you are thinking of snacking. If you have a glass of water and  then still feel like eating, go ahead and enjoy!

How to tell if you are having enough water

Two main ways to know if you are having enough water is your urine and your thirst level. Urine should be a pale yellow – almost clear. You also shouldn’t feel thirsty.

Sources of water

The majority of our water consumption should come from drinking water, however we may receive up to 20% of our water through food, depending on our diet. Some schools of thought say herbal teas can also count as water, but the consensus is soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, black tea, milk etc do not count as water.

What is the best water to drink

When looking at water quality, natural spring water or reverse osmosis filtered water is your best bet as these have the least amount of heavy metals and chemicals in them.

Ways to increase your water intake

  • Keep a drink bottle with you  – add some marks to your drink bottle that you can wipe off to indicate that you have consumed a particular amount. I like to use a white board maker on mine, and then I wipe off one mark each time I refill
  • Add a small pinch of sea salt to a glass of water and drink it before having breakfast – this is a way to start the day right. The salt helps you to hydrate quicker and stay hydrated for longer. Good quality salt (sea or Himalayan) also has minerals we need. Drinking water first thing also helps to get your digestive system started and can form part of a mindful practice too.. Who would have thought a simple glass of water in the morning could do so much.
  • Add flavour – a squeeze of lemon or lime will give a little flavour and has added health benefits. Beware too much citrus will wear away the enamel on your teeth. A drop of essential oils could be substituted, but not all oils are meant to be ingested. A sprig of mint or slice of cucumber can also be used and are really refreshing.  Herbal teas are a great option for flavour and also if you want to drink something warm.
