
Top 5 essential oils for yoga
Engaging the senses during yoga practice with essential oils can assist pranayama and instil a desired emotional response on the mat.
How much water should you drink each day?
Staying hydrated is one of the foundations of life. Hydration helps us to regulate our body temperature, flush out waste and toxins from our bodies, …
5 Easy ways to detox your home
Going low tox doesnt have to be costly and it doesnt have to be difficult either. Here are 5 easy ways to start to detox …
10 Ways to be more positive
Are people either positive or negative or are we a bit of both? I totally appreciate sometimes it is hard to be positive and that …
Finding yourself after children
A lot of us get lost in becoming mum.  For most of us, the transformation is unrecognizable from our previous self. I know for me …
The importance of working with our hands
Whether we are working in the garden or have a hobby, working with our hands helps our mental health. When we make, repair or create …
How to use essential oils safely
There are 3 ways you can use essential oils: Aromatically, Topically and Internally. Ingesting essential oils is a contentious point even with those in the …

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