10 Ways to be more positive

Are people either positive or negative or are we a bit of both? I totally appreciate sometimes it is hard to be positive and that for each of us, at times it can be a lot of work. But what if we could train ourselves to be more positive? What more could we get out of our lives? What more would we have to give?

Here are 10 ways to help bring some positivity into your day:

1. Practice daily gratitude. Think of 3 things you are grateful for every day.
2. Create a personal mantra. Thinking something like ‘it is what it is’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’ can bring some relief when something goes wrong.
3. Pay less attention to negative thoughts. Recognising them for what they are – just thoughts that do not serve you- can help pull yourself together
4. Be kind to yourself. We are our own worst critic. Cut yourself some slack when something bad happens. It’s ok and natural to not be happy all the time or to fall short compared to our standards occasionally.
5. Reframe what you say. Think of that cliche saying “glass is half full” it is still the same amount in the glass, the only difference is how you frame it.
6. Spend time outdoors. Some vitamin D and connecting with nature will do wonders for your energy and mood.
7. Practice mindfulness. Even just a couple of minutes each day will help you master the art of observation and not getting caught into the negative thoughts.
8. Give back. Volunteering can help you see the bigger picture. Consider helping at schools, hospitals, shelters.
9. Random acts of kindness. It doesn’t take much effort to smile at someone, hold a door open or even buy a coffee for a colleague, but these things can change someone else’s day.
10. Exercise. Get moving in any way you can. Yoga, walking, stretches at home. Whatever it is, do it regularly.

What are your tips to be more positive?