Bath Tea | Lavender and Rose


A luxurious bath tea made especially with organic lavender and rose petals and a unique blend of Magnesium, Epsom and Himalayan salts. Essential oils have also been added for additional aromatic benefits.

Simply add the giant tea bag while running the bath. Allow the bath to steep before removing the tea bag. Enjoy your bath!

Note: This bath tea is suitable for all skin types and does not contain dairy, wheat or gluten.


A luxurious bath tea made especially with organic lavender and rose petals and a unique blend of Magnesium, Epsom and Himalayan salts. Essential oils have also been added for additional aromatic benefits.

Simply add the giant tea bag while running the bath. Allow the bath to steep before removing the tea bag. Enjoy your bath!

Note: This bath tea is suitable for all skin types and does not contain dairy, wheat or gluten.