Natural Response Set


Are you looking for natural solutions to help your body to heal? The natural response set contains 6 useful blends to help support you through common ailments*. The blends included are:

Lavender – Soothing and relaxing, apply to help reduce feelings of anxiety, promote restful sleep and reduce itch caused by bug bites.

Owie – Apply over minor scrapes and owies to help support healing.

Open Air – Encourages feelings of easier breathing, this blend is fresh, expansive and relaxing.

Tummy – To aid digestion and calm feelings of stomach upsets.

Tension – To help reduce tension caused by headaches, migraines and stress. Apply to temples, back of neck and pulse points as required.

Women’s Blend – Designed to support you through your cycle. Apply to your lower abdomen and back of neck.

Are you looking for natural solutions to help your body to heal? The natural response set contains 6 useful blends to help support you through common ailments*. The blends included are:

Lavender – Soothing and relaxing, apply to help reduce feelings of anxiety, promote restful sleep and reduce itch caused by bug bites.

Owie – Apply over minor scrapes and owies to help support healing.

Open Air – Encourages feelings of easier breathing, this blend is fresh, expansive and relaxing.

Tummy – To aid digestion and calm feelings of stomach upsets.

Tension – To help reduce tension caused by headaches, migraines and stress. Apply to temples, back of neck and pulse points as required.

Women’s Blend – Designed to support you through your cycle. Apply to your lower abdomen and back of neck.


*Please note, while many people report improvements using essential oils, results will vary by person. This set in no way replaces sound medical advice provided to you by your healthcare professional based on your individual circumstance.