lounge room with house plants

5 Easy ways to detox your home

Going low tox doesnt have to be costly and it doesnt have to be difficult either. Here are 5 easy ways to start to detox your home.

Air Quality

Gasses build up in our homes from everything inside them, from paint on the walls, to furniture etc.

Open windows or doors as much as possible to allow natural air flow. Add some indoor plants to help absorb some of these gasses. For a quick list of indoor plants, click here


Our mattresses can release VOCs (so we are breathing in chemicals) and over time are covered in dust and dead skin cells, sweat and body oils. This can attract dust mites and other bugs, bacteria, viruses and fungus.

Vacuum your mattress regularly with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. You can also make a mixture of bicarb soda and tea tree oil to sprinkle over the mattress, let it sit for about 20 minutes and then vacuum up. The tea tree is a natural bug repellant, and is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral.

Air fresheners

Typical air fresheners and other home aromas are made with synthetic fragrances. These synthetic chemicals can cause undue stress on your hormones.

Opt for natural aromas either by filling your home with flowers or using pure essential oils. If you do use candles, make sure they are soy or beeswax based and don’t contain artificial fragrances. I get my oils from here.


Our bathrooms are damp, warm places, perfect for the growth of mould. When you see black mould, you already have a problem and traditional cleaners only bleach or mask the problem and don’t actually remove the mould spores. If left unattended, these spores can spread through your home and create an even bigger problem. Mould has been linked to allergies, brain fog, irritated skin, and breathing problems among others.

You need to kill the active mould completely and this can take some time. Ventilate the bathroom as best you can, install a good exhaust fan and always use it when having a shower or bath. Bonus points if you turn it on 10 minutes before getting in and leave it running 10 minutes after finishing. Don’t let soap scum build up.


Most deodorants contain fragrance (endocrine disrupting) and aluminium, which blocks your body’s ability to sweat meaning it’s harder to regulate your body temperature and also stops toxins from leaving your body. Deodorant works to mask body odour, while an antiperspirant stops you from sweating. Our underarms absorb almost everything we apply to them, so careful consideration is needed for what we actually use.

Look for a natural deodorant with as few ingredients as possible. Personally, I like No Pong. It’s locally made and I can understand the ingredients. Deodorant works differently to an antiperspirant.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash