Nourish your Mind, Body and Soul

Featured products


Top 5 essential oils for yoga
Engaging the senses during yoga practice with essential oils can assist pranayama and instil a desired emotional response on the mat.
How much water should you drink each day?
Staying hydrated is one of the foundations of life. Hydration helps us to regulate our body temperature, flush out waste and toxins from our bodies, …
5 Easy ways to detox your home
Going low tox doesnt have to be costly and it doesnt have to be difficult either. Here are 5 easy ways to start to detox …
10 Ways to be more positive
Are people either positive or negative or are we a bit of both? I totally appreciate sometimes it is hard to be positive and that …

Workshops and Sessions

Wellness Consultation

In our 30 minute call we will discuss your main health and wellness goals and put a plan in place to help you achieve those goals.

Change your rhythm, change your life | Better sleep is on the way

In our transformative 45 minutes together we will look at your current rhythm and identify practical changes you can make to improve the quality of your sleep and thus improving the quality of your life.

Cleaning Overhaul

Have you wanted to detox your home but haven’t quite made the switch or not sure where to start? Book in for a one on one session to overhaul your cleaning products at home and start reducing toxins! You will leave the session feeling prepared with actionable steps to start switching to low-tox cleaning. I will arm you with a shopping list and an ebook full of recipes as well as a step by step plan based on where you are currently and where you want to be! This session can be done online or if you are in North-West Sydney, I can come to your home.

Detox Your Home

In this session, we will discuss the various ways you can detox your home, from air and water quality, to reducing plastics and chemicals in your cleaning products. This is a great all-rounder introduction to the topic of detoxifying your life starting at home with easy to implement steps and loads of quality information.


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